Coding Bootcamp: Interfaces

What is an interface?

Which are the characteristics of an interface?

A simple example

interface Bicycle {

    void changeCadence(int newValue);

    void changeGear(int newValue);

    void speedUp(int increment);

    void applyBrakes(int decrement);

How can we implement an interface?

class ACMEBicycle implements Bicycle { ... }

A simple example (cont'd)

class ACMEBicycle implements Bicycle {
    int cadence = 0;
    int speed = 0;
    int gear = 1;
   // The compiler will now require that methods
   // changeCadence, changeGear, speedUp, and applyBrakes
   // all be implemented. Compilation will fail if those
   // methods are missing from this class.

    void changeCadence(int newValue) {
         cadence = newValue;

    void changeGear(int newValue) {
         gear = newValue;

    void speedUp(int increment) {
         speed = speed + increment;   

    void applyBrakes(int decrement) {
         speed = speed - decrement;

    void printStates() {
         System.out.println("cadence:" +
             cadence + " speed:" + 
             speed + " gear:" + gear);

Why to use interfaces?

Abstract classes Vs. interfaces

Abstract class OR interface?

Interfaces as APIs

What if we want to change an interface?

What if we want to change an interface? (cont'd)

Default methods

public interface DoIt {

   void doSomething(int i, double x);
   int doSomethingElse(String s);
   default boolean didItWork(int i, double x, String s) {
       // Method body 

Exercise 1a

Exercise 1b

Excercise 1c

Exercise 2a

Exercise 2b


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