Coding Bootcamp: Introduction to GitHub
What is GitHub?
- GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service. It offers all of the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project. For more info see here.
Why to use GitHub on Bootcamp?
- You are going to upload and edit your excercises on your personal GitHub page.
Sign up
Create your profile I
- Select the free repositories option and then press Continue
Create your profile II
- Answer if you want or skip this page for now
Create your profile III
Create your profile IV
- Check your inbox and verify your email address
Create a repo I
- Give a name to your repo
- Write a description for your repo
- Select to be public
- Select to initialize the repo with a README file
Create a repo II
Add a new file to the repo I
- Select to upload a new file
- Drag and drop your file
Add a new file to the repo II
- After you drop the file commit your changes
- Write a message and press commit
Add a new file to the repo III
Edit a file I
Edit a file II
- Make and commit your changes
Repo files
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