Coding Bootcamp: Java specialization
Test driven development and object-oriented programming
Being lazy
Hello world!
Constructing and using objects
Creating classes
Linear data structures
Generics and Threads
Unit Testing with JUnit
Advanced object oriented programming
Introduction to Design Patterns
Writing Maintainable Code
Introduction to web development
Setting-up a Java Web-Server at okeanos
Databases and user management
Inner & Outer Joins and Aggregates
Connecting SQL with Java
Database Normalization
Database Views
Stored Procedures, Cursors, Triggers, Indexes
Front-end technologies
Hello (front end) world!
[HTML5 and HTML forms] (temporarily rempved due to causing compilation errors)
Introduction to CSS
Grids and columns with Bootstrap
Project week 1
Other programming languages and MVC frameworks
Structure, depend and build
Spring Framework
Further JavaScript
Further Java
Data Structures
Application Security
End-user driven design & development - UX & UI principles
Project & technical management
Testing theory
Testing practices
Unit testing
Final project implementation
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